After lunch I walked up to the market. It's a straight shot to the market from school, too - easy. The school isn't in viewing distance but it's along a fairly straight road. Once I arrived I gathered supplies for cooking and cleaning - the things I realized I needed while I had been cooking before. On the way back to school I began to think to myself, "none of the surrounding look familiar" , so I kept walking, assuming I'd make sense of my surroundings and make the correct adjustments. After ten minutes I came to realization, I was lost. For the first time! No big deal... just then the police were coming down the road in their absurdly shaped van. I waved them down and spoke, "FİNAL school," accompanied by hand gestures pointing in a general direction of there I hoped FİNAL was. It didn't have the instant response I was looking for. "B-P gasoline, FİNAL school?" The police officers looked at each other. The man in the passenger seat waved at me to get in the back seat.
How convenient is this! As I placed my plastic bags of groceries and cooking supplies in the middle seat I noticed the semi-automatic gun resting behind the seat of the driver. I sat in behind the passenger and kept my hand to myself. No. Sudden. Movements. I never felt worried just didn't need The police officer in the passenger seat spoke to me, mixing Turkish and English. He asked about me again, learning I was a teacher. He gave me a once over, looked through my bags and gave me the all clear. On the short five minutes drive to school we made little talk. What a great start to the neighborhood.
No. Sudden. Moves.... hilarious! we know why you named your blog "Rob Gets Lost."
Lost and still in great humor. Whatta guy!